20 Jul 2022


On behalf of my wife Laura and I, we’d love to thank you for your professionalism, guidance and skill in selling our home. At every stage of the process, our expectations were well-and-truly exceeded.

Prior to linking up with you to sell our home, we had spoken to a number of real estate agents who – we felt – were just going through the motions. “Sign here” … “you’ll get this much” … it all felt the same. When we met with you, we were particularly impressed at your marketing vision for our home – you realised that you were selling more than a house – you were selling a lifestyle. You had a thorough knowledge of how the property would be presented through the use of videos and aerial drone shots … we were really blown away by how well our property came up (in fact, my wife and I joked that the house came up so well that we should, in fact, be hanging on to it!)


With regards to the price you told us you thought our house could get, we felt you were optimistic yet realistic and – in the end – you were able to get us more … so thank you for that!

I should point out – we’ve dealt with you both in a buying and selling capacity. Each time you were up-front, hard-working and very quick in being able to get answers. What could’ve been a stressful time, was made a lot easier due to experience, professionalism and friendliness.

We certainly hope to be able to engage your services again soon.

Bruno Bouchet